Light Frenquency Akashic Record Reading 光頻阿卡西靈魂記錄解讀
Are you feeling lost or seeking clarity on your life's purpose?
Are you feeling lost or seeking clarity on your life's purpose?
Hi, I'm Jocelin, your personal Light Frequency Akashic Record interpreter.
At Yu&Space, you will find information about Light Frequency Akashic Record Reading, various event, guided spiritual courses, Akashic record related articles range from spiritual awakening, personal experiences, and clients feedback.
At You&Space, I'm aiming to share information that can benefit and also inspire people on how to look at their life journey and challenges in different perspective. I also provide personal Light Frequency Akashic Record Reading service. The consultation is focus on energy to energy, so no location limitation. Basically we can get connected simply online!
If you're interested about Light Frequency Akashic Record Reading, you can visit My Blog to learn more about it or drop me a message to discuss more. Thank you very much.
大家好,我是 Jocelin,您的光頻阿卡西靈魂記錄解讀師。
在 You&Space,我的目標是分享有益大眾身心健康的訊息,並啟發人們如何從不同的角度看待他們的人生旅程和挑戰。
February Light Frequency Akashic Record Charity Reading opened for booking! Limited Spaces
Click for more details about appointment.
December Charity reading donation has been made via online. Thanks for all who participated with my charity reading. 十二月的光頻阿卡西公益解讀慈善捐款已完成,感謝...
January Light Frequency Akashic Record Charity Reading opened for booking! Limited Spaces
Click for more details about appointment.
I have 2 years of Light Frequency Akashic Record Reading experience, serving more than 40 people through my charity case reading. As a mother of two, I tried to assist as many individual as possible in my free time. I will continue to achieve this goal through Light Frequency Akashic Record Charity Reading.
Consultation time: 60 minutes
Consultation method: mainly via video calls, regardless of geographical location; face-to-face service, if you are from my local area Ayr, Scotland, you can arrange a in personal consultation
Consultation language: Provide Chinese or English interpretation
Consultation Fee description: Any donation will be appreciated.
Anyone can make an appointment to experience it
I will donate 10% of the total proceeds from my charity reading to a charity foundation every month to support more groups in need.
Please get in touch if you would like to experience your first Light Frequency Akashic Record Reading. Looking forward to hear from you. Thank you.
諮詢時間:60 分鐘
諮詢方式:以視訊通話為主,地理位置不限 ;面對面服務:若您位於蘇格蘭艾爾,可安排親自面談
每月將公益解讀總收益的 10%捐贈給一個慈善基金會,支持更多需要幫助的群體。
Experience this amazing life changing moment, gain clarity and guidance to help you navigate life's challenges.
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Details incoming...
I recently had a reading with Jocelin, which I greatly appreciated at that time. Jocelin tapped into my akashic records, where she could convey information. This was reassuring, as I was given guidance, support and mostly reassurance. Unlike any other reading, Jocelin welcomed questions, about my past lives and future. Jocelin has a warm caring nature which made me feel at ease. Jocelin also sent me guidance and affirmations. Thank you. Highly recommend. Xx
I had an Akashic record reading with Jocelin in September. From the onset, I felt extremely comfortable in her presence and I felt like she really took her time to get to know me.
My session was deeply moving and evoked memories from my childhood. The energies were apparent in the room and I felt a strong connection from my grandparents, whom I never had the opportunity to meet. I want to thank Jocelin for sharing her knowledge with me, for tapping into a past area of my life and providing context and meaning to how I was feeling. Such an emotionally, moving reading. I would recommend her to anyone.
嗨又,我最近想跟你說,我似乎越來越能感受到守護者的溫柔與被照顧、被愛 自從上次跟你通過電話之後,在因緣際會之下,今年我嘗試了很多我沒嘗試過的事情,包括學習冥想,還有很多。總之,當初通話後聽得莫名其妙的我,才在昨天懂了一連貫的效應,而我也確實在這個月越有感受到祂溫暖的存在 謝謝你,我現在的想法是:我們連走在路上,路都不會是平的了,會有坑坑疤疤,但如有是知覺的從中學習,最終我們都會更提升到另一個層級(沒有好壞,只是在說敏感度的不同)
經過跟 Jocelin的阿卡西解讀,從那天起心中的鬱結明顯減少。
守護者告訴我的説話第一句,我忍不住哭出來。對於過去一年的徬徨不安,守護者的回應安撫了我,令我能安穩下來。 守護者並不是給我絕對的答案,而是令我好好去思考到底我想如何走下去。感謝Jocelin跟我進行了阿卡西解讀,減少了擔憂,對未來多了自信。現在晚上也可以好好入睡。
Jocelin讀出守護者跟我說開頭語,我們等你很久了,我們知道你心裡很雀躍,我們很開心跟你今天做連結,有什麼問題都提出來吧!我們都會協助你。 我覺得很感動很溫暖,因為我真的很期待也喜悅有機會來跟我的守護者做連結,而我的守護者也是如此這般的歡迎我,真的好不可思議!守護者在我詢問過程中,並不會先給我答案,而是先詢問我內心的聲音,待我回答後,才會告訴我是不是如我所想的,他讓我知道了我自己的察覺是對,也正走在我靈魂計畫的方向,得知後很感動也稍稍放心了,我了解到原來以前所發生的種種都是我靈魂為我設定的,確實走過了很痛苦低潮的時候,但也因為也走過了,今天才有機會接觸到阿卡西解讀,不然以前自己可能根本不懂也不會有興趣吧。 守護者溫暖得給了我許多非常正向的鼓勵、支持和建議,告訴我一切都會越來越好的,讓我知道我從來都不是一個人,他們一直都在身邊守護引導著我,在我需要的時候,只要往我心裡呼喊,他們一直都會陪著我,聽到這令我感到好安心!整段過程感到非常的舒服和安心,由於我的問題太廣了,Jocelin一開始非常有耐心得協助我,釐清我真正想要詢問守護者的核心問題,她也和我分享了很多他的心路歷程,讓我可以從一個過來人的親身經驗中去學習和反思,非常感謝宇宙靈魂的安排讓我可以如此幸運地參加到Jocelin的阿卡西紀錄解讀,也非常感謝這過程中Jocelin溫柔的陪伴。
Thank you for all this Jocelin, really enjoyed the journey and appreciate your support on all. Will be making a donation later today for sure as it is was helpful for me.
I’ve learned / reaffirmed a few things about myself that I know I have to tackle but it’s good to know that I’m on a path that will work in my favour in the long run if I take the right course of action.
我覺得妳很有感受力。不知道我們已經認識是否有關係( it can go either way), 但整個過程你都讓我感覺很舒服自在。另外妳的解讀方式也很不一樣。妳也能很棒的提案/抓出很好的問題詢問。我覺得妳總能將我的守護者的話語翻譯像書寫的文字,很特別,也很厲害。妳像是聆聽守護者的話語;也很感謝妳對我的問題與煩惱都很上心,所以也能幫我抽絲剝繭一層層的問到我希望知道或再被肯定確認的事宜。這一部分又像我在做諮商時的角色也樣。總而言之,是個很特別的而且很受用的體驗。希望這個反饋對你有所幫助。 真心的謝謝妳。
親愛的☆☆ 我們等了妳很久…..我們都在。 這樣的開場白對我來說很親切很親切。我壓抑著感動 故作鎮定地繼續聆聽轉達⋯我內心回應著,你們知道的,這趟旅程我也向外,向內 尋找探索了好久好久。 我想了解個人適合的工作方向。 看似沒有直接答案的回覆,但其實,守護者已切中核心點到我最最在意的追尋。 完全的被懂! 獲得了解答,想做的角色也在人生藍圖計畫之一。 雖然我對自己的計畫實現 有一些擔憂。仍獲得符合個人現況 需要先努力的建議。 Jocelin也不吝分享經驗歷程,提供所知 能幫助我穩定身心的實用方法, 在諮詢過程中感受到她的一股敞開,愉悅自在的氣度。讓害羞緊張的我,放心說出自己的問題。 很開心能在宇宙巧妙的安排下 第一位搭上Jocelin 的公益體驗解讀列車。也謝謝我自己順流看到粉專~完成第一次個人阿卡西紀錄解讀體驗。 謝謝宇宙 為我安排的! 我愈來愈能體會到 我不孤單。 謝謝你們在。
我也已經開始期待,等待jocelin 開放阿卡西解讀諮詢的服務。 能獲得一些清晰。好好地享受旅程,而不只是茫然擔憂。 謝謝妳
For questions or requests for an appointment please send me a message. I will get back to you ASAP.
Today | By Appointment |
All consultation will be held via video call or in person if locally. Please message to book your session. 所有諮詢將透過視訊或面對面進行(如果所在當地)請來信預約諮詢時間
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